Bortset fra "item" kan alle andre tags på niveau 1, 2 og 3 kun anvendes 1 gang. De kan derfor under et betragtes som værende filens "stamdata".
Ni- veau | Tagnavn | * | Forklaring | Link |
- | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> | | En RSS-fil skal indledes med en XML-definition. | |
0 | <rss-version="2.0"> | x | RSS start-taggen skal være første RSS-tag i filen. Den skal indeholde version nummer. RSS-filen afsluttes med RSS slut-taggen. | |
1 | <channel> | x | Channel start-tag skal følge lige efter RSS start-tag. Channel slut-tag skal være lige før RSS slut-tag. Der skal være 1 channel-tag pr rss fil. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <title> ..... </title> | x | Det overordnede navn på feeden. Vises til brugerne ovenover listen med feeds. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <link> ..... </link> | x | URL til det site hvorpå feed-dataene ligger. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <description> ..... </description> | x | Kort beskrivelse af det emneområde feed-filen dækker. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <language> ..... </language > | o | Det sprog feen er skrevet i. 2-bogstavs ISO 639-1 koder. (Dansk = da). | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <rating> ..... </rating> | o | Anvendes i relation til er rangordningssystem, der er blevet nedlagt. | - |
2 | <copyright> ..... </copyright> | o | Copyright oplysning om feedet. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <pubDate> ..... </pubDate> | o | Dato feedets indhold skal vises fra. Der synes ikke at være noget fast format. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <lastBuildDate> ..... </lastBuildDate> | o | Det sidste tidspunkt filens stamdata er blevet ændret. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <categoty> ..... </category> | o | Den / de kategorier teksterne i filens items kan relateres til til brug for søgning. Der kan vælges egne kategorier eller det kan være hensigtsmæssigt at have kategorierne nævnt i kategorisystemet i erindring. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <generator> ..... </generator> | o | . | |
2 | <docs> ..... </docs> | o | URL til den webside der beskriver standarden for den aktuelle RSS-version. Tilsyneladende "". | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <cloud> ..... </cloud> | o | The Cloud settings enable a feed reader to register with a cloud server, to receive notification when a feed has changed. This removes the need for the reader to periodically access the feed to check for updates. Several pieces of information need to be entered to setup you feed for a cloud server. Domain The domain name or IP address of the cloud server. Port The TCP/IP port number that the cloud server is running on. Path The location of the cloud server's responder. Reg Proc Registration Procedure - the name of the procedure to call to request notification. Protocol The protocol to use to communicate with the cloud server (xml-rpc, soap, or http-post). | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <ttl> ..... </ttl> | o | Time To Live The number of minutes that the feed is allowed to be cached by a server (other than the actual server the feed is posted on), before the feed needs to be refreshed. This value is used by services that cache RSS feeds. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <managingEditor> ..... </managingEditor> | o | Managing Editor. The e-mail address for the person responsible for the feed's content. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <webMaster > ..... </webMaster> | o | The e-mail address for the person responsible for technical issues relating to the feed. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | <skipHours > | o | A list of s indicating the hours in the day, GMT, when the channel is unlikely to be updated. If this sub-item is omitted, the channel is assumed to be updated hourly. | |
3 | <hour> ..... </hour> | ox | Hours of the day (0 = midnight) that feed readers do not need to check for changes in the feed. Feed readers can use this to save time when checking for updates. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | </skipHours> | ox | If you are using skipHours tag then it is required to use this tag as well. | |
2 | <skipDays> | o | Days of the week that feed readers do not need to check for changes in the feed. Feed readers can use this to save time when checking for updates. | |
3 | <day> ..... </day> | ox | If you are using skipDays tag then it is required to use this tag as well. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | </skipDays> | ox | If you are using skipDays tag then it is required to use this tag as well. | |
2 | <image> | o | Each feed can have one image associated with it. Feed readers typically display this image with the feed's title. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
3 | <title> ..... </title> | ox | Typically the same text as the feed's Title. If an image is to be included with the feed, then this field is required. | |
3 | <url> ..... </url> | ox | The URL for the image file. Images can be in the following formats: .gif, .jpg, .png | |
3 | <link> ..... </link> | ? | The URL for the webpage that directly relates to the feed. This is typically the same URL as the feed's Link field. | |
3 | <width> ..... </width> | o | The width of the image (in pixels). The default width for a RSS image is 88. The maximum allowed width is 144. | |
3 | <height> ..... </height> | o | The height of the image (in pixels). The default height for a RSS image is 31. The maximum allowed height is 400. | |
3 | <description> ..... </description> | o | The description is used for the HTML 'title' attribute of the image. | |
2 | </image > | ox | If you are using image tag then it is required to use this tag as well. | |
2 | <item> | x | Each feed must contain at least one valid item entry. | |
3 | <title> ..... </title> | ox | The title of the item. It is optional to use this tag. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
3 | <link> ..... </link> | o | The URL for the webpage, or for the section of a webpage, that contains the item's full content. Feed readers will typically display the webpage described by this URL, when a user clicks on the item. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
3 | <description> ..... </description> | ox | A summary of the full content that the item was created to represent. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
3 | <author> ..... </author> | o | The email address of the author of the item. Typically, this field is only used if the author is different than the feed's Editor (Managing Editor). | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
3 | <category> ..... </category> | o | Some RSS directories allow users to search for feed items that they are interested in, by category. You can create your own categories, but typically you will want to use a more standard predefined category. DMOZ is probably the most popular category system. Example DMOZ category: Computers/Internet/On_the_Web/Weblogs/Tools If a predefined category is used (i.e. from DMOZ), you should set the category domain field to point to the category system's website. Example DMOZ domain: Both the Category and Domain fields are optional. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
3 | <comments> ..... </comments> | o | The URL for a webpage containing (or accepting) comments relating to this item. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
3 | <enclosure ..... /> | o | Information about a file that is to be included with the item. URL The URL for the file. Length The length of the file (in bytes). Type The MIME type of the file. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
3 | <guid> ..... </guid> | o | Globally Unique Identifier. A string that uniquely identifies the item. When present, a feed reader may choose to use this string to determine if an item is new. When the 'Is Perma Link' box is checked, feed readers will assume that the GUID is a unique URL for the item, and can be opened to display the full contents for the item. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
3 | <pubDate> ..... </pubDate> | o | The date and time when the item is to be made available. Some feed readers may choose not to display an item until its Pub Date date has arrived. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
3 | <source> ..... </source> | o | If the item was obtained from another feed, then the source feed's information can be entered here. Source The title of the feed that the item came from. URL Optional The URL to the RSS feed that the item came from. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
2 | </item> | x | If you are using title tag then it is required to use this tag as well. | |
- | ..... evt. flere item tags ..... | | | |
2 | <textInput>> | o | AThe Text Input settings allows a data entry box to be displayed within your feed. It can be used to collect information from the reader, or act on data they enter. Not all feed readers support this option. Several pieces of information need to be entered to setup a Text Input box in your feed. | ![x](/felles/ikoner/nr2.gif) |
3 | <title> ..... </title> | ox | Title A title for the Text Input box. | |
3 | <description> ..... </description> | ox | Description A short description of what the user should enter into the Text Input box. | |
3 | <name> ..... </name> | ox | Name The variable name assigned to the input box. | |
3 | <link> ..... </link> | ox | Link The URL to a CGI program that is to receive the data from the Text Input box. | |
2 | </textInput> | ox | If you are using textInput tag then it is required to use this tag as well. | |
1 | </channel> | x | One end channel is required for a channel start tag. | |
0 | </rss > | x | This is closing tag for an RSS0.91 document. | |